The Testimony

Revival Ablaze and it's mission, was launched after the events of September 11, 2001. Even though Julio was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in January of 2000, by his pastor, Hugo Gil, Julio still has a back story. His Vision & Mission is based on the testimony of his former life before accepting and following Christ. Julio was initiated into the Afro-Cuban religion "Santeria", most call it "Brujeria" but almost everyone knows it as "Palo Mayembe", so, at the age of 6, Julio learned the religion very quickly and he practiced the occult as he grew up, and learned how to sacrifice animals, create potions either dispersible or digestible to harm others for money. Julio adopted the occult at such a young age because it was a normal thing and Julio quickly rose up the ranks as a high priest and was sought after considerably in the NYC - Metro Area expanding down to Florida and even California. Julio was sought after with his supporting family to perform rituals and ceremonies at the request of anyone, especially celebrities, for high dollar amounts.  


In the month of October 1993, Julio accepted Christ in a small church in the Bronx, Fountain Of Salvation, currently know as Heavenly Vision Christian Center, and it is still pastored today by Pastor Sal Sabino. When Julio accepted Christ and became a Christian, he was still holding onto God with one hand and the world with the other. He was playing church, sound familiar folks? After he accepted Christ he was delivered from the Afro-Cuban religion Santeria, but he still had a long road ahead of him.


For the next 5 years, Julio played church. His life was still a total mess. He had big plans and big dreams, however all kept failing and falling short. Julio had no clue that he was still on a path of destruction both physically and eternally, even after accepting Christ. God, then really got a hold of Julio in a non-conventional way! Julio was at a Holy Ghost Revival with Dr. Rodney Howard Browne in Washington Heights in October 1998, exactly 5 years after he accepted Christ. Little did Julio know that this one Saturday evening service would change his life forever. This is when "Revival Ablaze Ministry" was originally birthed. 


God had met Julio at this Holy Ghost service, while in his worst season of life. Jesus had turned the world he knew upside down. On this one evening, Julio was hit with the fire of God with what he recalls, "a lightning bolt". He was baptized with the Holy Ghost. His friends afterward had mentioned that no one had touched him, that Dr. Rodney Browne never laid hands on him but had prayed for him from the stage, and the video replay later revealed that no one had touched him at the time, Julio was hit by the Fire Of God. 


Julio had to be taken home that evening because he could not walk or speak, Julio was slain by the HOLY GHOST. It was as if he were drunk, but he wasn't drunk with alcohol or wine. It was just how Peter described in the book of Acts, "THIS IS NOT THAT". Julio was baptized with the Holy Ghost that evening. After the encounter, Julio couldn't sleep for 3 and 1/2 days, he couldn't speak regular English, he wasn't even able to go to work the following week, Julio has just had a head-on collision with what is called a God encounter. His body felt as he was dipped in kerosene and set on fire, ablaze. Hence, the name of the ministry, "Revival Ablaze". He has never recovered from that 1998 October evening. Jesus had changed his life forever. Today Julio is alive and spreading God's fire because of that one Holy Ghost encounter. Julio had a road to Damascus encounter by God's saving grace. 


Julio truly believes in allowing God to reveal His presence. The gospel is very simple. You can not drench the Holy Ghost with religion and tradition, you have to allow the Holy Spirit to move freely among the people. Julio believes in, Revival, Healing, Signs and Wonders, harvest of Souls, the funding of the end-time harvest, lighting fires in the hearts of men & women, and the biggest vision we have is to see America Shaken by the power of God, with another Great Awakening resulting in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen. When people encounter the spirit of God and allow Him to do a work in them and through them, addictions are broken, bondage and chains are broken, relationships are restored, broken hearts are mended, wounded emotions are made WHOLE again, and they are filled with the Holy Spirit, love, joy, and a peace that passes all understanding. No man, woman, doctor, or even the best psychiatrist can do any of these things - only the spirit of the Lord.


If you are reading this today, allow Jesus to be made manifest in your life! Allow and welcome Jesus into your heart, you will never regret it. Jesus will come in and make all of your paths straight... 


The burning passion in Julio's heart is for God's people to experience God's Anointing, God's fullness, and His presence. In God's presence people will be healed, delivered and set free from addictions, strongholds, sickness, diseases, poverty, and idol worshipping, especially people that are bound by the Afro-Cuban religion, "Santeria".




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